WWB Premier 2023 Back Issues

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World Wide Birds magazine Premier January 2023
Our main article this month is about the Stanley Rosella by David Dennison. The Stan-ley Rosella is the smallest of the Rosella family, and unlike the other larger Rosellas which show little sexual dimorphism, the male and female Stanleys are sexually di-morphic. This will be an extremely rewarding species to breed in the future. Now is the time to buy a few young pairs and get them breeding to have your own home-bred birds to breed with the new mutations.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier February 2023
Our main article this month is about the Dusky-headed Conure by David Dennison. The Dusky-headed Conure, along with the Peach-fronted Conure and Pet’s Conure, make a very pleasant group of small Aratinga conures to keep and work with. For those breeders interested in smaller conures, this bird is a good choice.

One of our subscribers asked me to publish an article about preventative medicines. Therefore, I included a four-page article in the Premier edition.

Kashmir Csaky wrote a very interesting article about eye contact that is also in the Premier edition. Eye contact is an import behavior to teach and to be aware that it is a learned behavior.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier March 2023
This month’s main article is about the Moluccan King Parrot by David Dennison. The Moluccan King Parrot also called the Amboina King Parrot, and its subspecies are amongst the most colorful parrots in the world. Unlike the Australian King parrot and the Green-wing King parrot, where the pairs are sexually dimorphic, the male and female Moluccan King Parrot are very alike, and surgical or DNA sexing is recommended.

If someone were to ask me to suggest a bird that is inexpensive, pretty, relatively easy to breed and look after as well as becoming a good pet, I would immediately recommend the Cockatiel. Being one of the best birds for beginners, you will also find them in the most experienced parrot breeder’s collections.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier April 2023
This month’s main article is about the Derbyan Parakeet, Psittacula derbiana, by David Dennison. The Derbyan Parakeet looks like a giant Moustache Parakeet but the color distribution is not quite the same. If you don’t have them in your Psittacula collection, give them some consideration. They can be a worthwhile addition to your collection and the diet is the same making feeding easy. The breeding season is also the same, simplifying the collection management during the breeding season.

We also have a great article about the Mulga Parrot, Psephotus Varius. A gorgeous bird with an exceedingly exciting taxonomy! Feeding is always an important topic. In this edition, you can learn the reasons for feeding green foods.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier May 2023
This month’s main article is about Elegant Grass Parakeets, Neophema elegans, by David Dennison. They are a great specie to have, especially in a mixed aviary. It’s undemanding care and calm personality can make it the perfect parrot for the novice bird owner or the busy apartment dweller. They also tend to be a hassle-free addition to the planted or mixed species aviary. However, their great personality is often overlooked, because some of their close relatives offer the same features in a more coloured package. Hopefully after this article, more bird keepers will look at keeping and breeding this species!
World Wide Birds magazine Premier June 2023
Our main article is about The Jardine Parrot. David Dennison describes the three sub-species, the Black-winged Jardine, the Lesser Jardine, and the Greater Jardine. Recently newcomers to aviculture, and to parrot breeding in particular, have asked that we publish an article on these parrots for their information.

We also have a great article about berries for birds. It is a source of great pleasure to fill up the trays in your aviaries with these colourful fruits and berries, then stand back and watch the even more colourful parrots enjoying them so much. The munching can be heard from yards away. One of the signs of illness, in adult birds, is reverting to baby behaviors. Kashmir Csaky explain more in the article called signs of illness.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier July 2023
Our main article this month cover Gang Gang Cockatoos. These Cockatoos are unique and they stand out amongst the rest. If provided with the correct requirements these birds will do well in our aviaries. Hopefully with more and more successful breeding we will see these delightful cockatoos becoming more readily available.

There is also a great article about finding foster parents by Tony Silva. At Loro Parque and Loro Parque Fundación environmental enrichment in parrots is a constant that is understood as essential for all types of parrots. And in the summer season, it is especially important for juvenile parrots that are beginning their development. Rafael Zamora Padrón supplied us with an article explaining on how to apply environmental enrichment in our aviaries. Please subscribe to the Premier magazine to read much more articles.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier August 2023
I am so grateful for receiving some amazing feedback during July. Just when I almost given up publishing the magazine, some bird lovers made me realize how import and valuable this magazine really is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This month our main article is about Red-bellied Parrots by Louis Bothma. The adult male and female differ dramatically from each other. More attention should be given to breeding these parrots as they are highly sought after in Europe and we believe that exportation will soon pick up.

Are Nandays safe to breed? Nest box interiors – Is darker better? What is the recommended health care for pet birds? Find these answers and much more in the Premier edition.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier September 2023
This month our main article is about Swift Parakeets by David Dennison. These little parakeets are unique. They are, of one, the only specie in their genus, and there are no sub-species. Their diet in nature consists of a lot of nectar and pollen, and they are gregarious, so one gets a whole flock scrambling about a flowering tree, like a eucalypt, eating the pollen and nectar.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier October 2023
This month our main article is about Brown-headed Parrots by Rolf Dennison. They generally have a sweet temperament. These relatively small parrots also tend to be quieter than other parrot species, making them a good choice for apartment dwellers. Brown-headed Parrots are very good at mimicking sound and whistles.

There is also a great article about Senegal Parrots by Jean Pattison. Senegals are wonderful birds for apartment dwellers due to their size and quiet behavior. They can learn to say a few phrases, which they take delight in repeating to their owners. Some have been known to have huge vocabularies.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier November 2023
This month our main article is about Meyer’s Parrots. Since these little parrots like to climb, cages with horizontal bars (at least on two sides) work best as they will allow your pet to climb around more easily. Offering a separate play gym, either on top of the cage or as a separate item, will provide a safe place to hang out when your pet is out of the cage.

The following question gets answered in detail in the Premier edition: “I really enjoy owning and breeding the Pyrrhura conures, but I am concerned about the mutation varieties and how one should go about breeding them.”

Kimberly Perry has an article about Toucan tea. Diseases of the heart, general vascular system, and therapies are well researched in the human field, but scientific and clinical literature in pet birds is still somewhat limited. Dr. Nemetz explain in an article in this edition.
World Wide Birds magazine Premier December 2023
This month our main article is about Jenday Conures. The Jenday Conure is a beautiful bird, distinguishing itself by its bright colours rivalled only by its cousin, the Sun Conure. They can be noisy, but their active, playful behaviour, willingness to breed and beauty, justifies that they be given more attention.

Do you have a rat problem? Do you have a problem with dehydrated chicks? How do you disinfect your hand feeding syringes? These questions get answered in detail in the Premier edition.

So, you’ve decided that the world of Exhibition Budgerigars is the hobby for you. What’s the next step? How do you make the transition between deciding to venture into this hobby and actually starting the procedure? Read this four-page article in the Budgie section of the Premier edition.
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