World Wide Birds
For these breeders, mutation breeding presents an interesting and challenging alternative.
In the bird health section, Dr Rina Dev has a short article about feather plucking and self-mutilation is commonly seen in captive birds. The most common reason being stress, not enough enrichment and boredom.
Kashmir Csaky explains about Respiratory Infections. The symptoms are different for upper respiratory and lower respiratory problems.
Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner has a great article about Sun Parakeets. She starts off with: “When we first started studying sun parakeets in Guyana we thought it would be a slam dunk - just repeat nest and population monitoring as in every other parrot project I have ever worked in to get the desired results.”
In the Toucans section, Kimberly Perry introduce Niko, their Curl Crested Aracari Baby!
In the canary section, Antonio Javier Sanz Cobo write about competitions and contest strategies. Compete as an individual or as a team? How to form the teams? How to have reserves of success for the teams in case of a loss at the last moment? There are many questions for which we must have answers and prepare our strategy in advance.
Kashmir Csaky gave me permission to publish Jedi’s, a Hyacinth macaw, life journey in the Premier World Wide Birds magazine. In this way, her valuable information is preserved. You can read part two in the Premier edition.
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You will also find an article about the importance of foraging. Foraging is the act of animals searching widely for food. In the wild, animals, particularly birds, can spend up to 16 hours per day foraging for food dependent on the species. Kimberly Perry gives us seven easy ways to create foraging.
Screaming behaviour is always inbred and what you have once trained, you can also replace with different behaviour. This requires ambition, courage, and a lot of stamina. Hildegard Niemann from Parrot Behavior Consulting (PBC) explains how we can manage parrot screaming.
Dot Schwarz provided an article about everything you wanted to know about free flight but were afraid to ask. Then we also included an article about the Torres Strait Pigeon and aviaries for canaries.
One Earth Conservation always inspires me with the amazing work they do to protect our precious parrots. And it’s a highlight each month to share their work.
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Have you ever wondered which parrot species live well together? We have a five-page article that will answer your question. The next article covers all about caring for your parrot’s feathers. In the finch section, we have some thoughts on worms and cover the White-eared Grass Finch.
I just love canaries and therefore started a new section for canaries. This month we cover feeding for canaries. In the budgie section, we cover dealing with heat stress. Birding is my great passion, and a regular birding section will again feature in each premier edition. The conservation section covers the Vinaceous-breasted Amazon: The Parrot of the Gods. And an Australian celebration of birds.
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Furthermore, there are also great articles covering: Toucan nutrition, part 5 of Jedi the Hyacinth macaw, part 2 about free flight, the Silvereye finch, Bruno Opal Mosaic Yellow canaries, the feather quality of budgies, how birds teach us to listen, and much more.
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Jedi, the hyacinth macaw, adventure is already on part 6. I cannot wait to compile an eBook about Jedi. In the Premier edition, you can find answers to questions like: At what age should you take young parrots to a Vet for surgical sexing?
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It is often asked at what age you should clip the wings of a new baby bird. This is a very involved question and is explained in the article When and How to Clip a Weaning Baby.
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Because BirdsCaribbean is now exposed in the magazine, you will be able to read more about Caribbean birds and in this edition, we feature the Green Mango.
I thought that compiling all the feeding articles and recipes together would make it easy for you to read instead of jumping from magazine to magazine to find specific articles. And I am sure your parrots would love you for all the new treats.
Special thanks go to Johnny King for sharing his years of experience and knowledge on the subject. I had the privilege to meet Ilse Meyer at the LWP bird festival. Her passion for creating recipes for Rani is just amazing and she is always willing to share her knowledge and recipes with everyone.
It was not difficult to ask Kim Forster, Lisa and Adam Lock, Connie S. Soto, and Tony Silva for permission to share their articles. Many thanks to you and highly appreciated. It all comes down to caring for our parrots to the best of our ability with the knowledge that others have gained over many years.
In this edition, Jedi, the Hyacinth macaws, is 187 days old and her weight has been in the mid-1280s for a few weeks. Read more about her progress in the Premier edition. Kashmir Csaky has some great tips on what to do when your bird flies away. Like getting a tarp and painting a large easy to recognize the symbol on it in a bright colour. In the finch section, we discuss the Black-throated Grassfinch. And in the canary section, the Fancy Gloster canary is covered. In the bird-ing section, another endemic Caribbean bird, the Jamaican Owl is discussed.
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Many thanks to all our Premier subscribers and sponsors. Without your support, this magazine would not be possible. Happy reading, your birds are going to love you.
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