Keto grocery list

Keto grocery list: Content creator Petrus Albertus van Tonder I am going through my keto recipe book and looking for a list of items I can buy that most recipes would use. I also Google each ingredient, for example, “Is feta cheese keto friendly”. If it is a yes, I list it here. If you… Continue reading Keto grocery list

Categorized as Keto

What is emotional intelligence?

The Oxford dictionary describes emotional intelligence as: “The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.” Emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient or EQ) is a skill you can demonstrate in the achievement section on your CV by giving examples of your relationship management and social skills. This… Continue reading What is emotional intelligence?

Diet for thin people

Diet for thin people: Content creator Petrus van Tonder Featured image: Dr. Eric Berg in one of his videos mentioned below. I never cared about going on a diet because I never needed to lose weight. When you google for the definition of the word diet you will mainly find losing weight associated: with “a… Continue reading Diet for thin people

Categorized as Keto